Horse & Rider
Horse & Rider Magazine is the premier source of information for riders of all Western disciplines. In every issue, top trainers share step-by-step training techniques and competitive strategies. Horse and Rider also provides horse-care articles, hands-on horsekeeping how-tos, consumer advice, tips for coping with horse-life issues, ringside reports on top Western shows, horse-world news and events, and profiles of legendary horses and horsepeople.
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Who publishes Horse & Rider Magazine?
Horse & Rider Magazine is published by Active Interest Media.
How often is Horse & Rider Magazine mailed?
Horse & Rider Magazine is printed and mailed Quarterly.
If I order Horse & Rider Magazine today, when will my first issue arrive?
If you order today (01/13/2025) your first issue should arrive in the mail between Between 04/14/2025 and 05/12/2025.
What is the Universal Magazine Code for Horse & Rider Magazine?
The UMC is 3131.