Juxtapoz Magazine presents a gallery of underground artists who influence much of the graphics, fashion and new art we see today. Juxtapoz includes full color layouts of painters & cartoonists are featured along with interviews & reviews.
There are currently no customer reviews for Juxtapoz Magazine.
Who publishes Juxtapoz Magazine?
Juxtapoz Magazine is published by N/A.
How often is Juxtapoz Magazine mailed?
Juxtapoz Magazine is printed and mailed Quarterly.
If I order Juxtapoz Magazine today, when will my first issue arrive?
If you order today (01/16/2025) your first issue should arrive in the mail between Between 04/17/2025 and 05/15/2025.
What is the Universal Magazine Code for Juxtapoz Magazine?
The UMC is 3787.